
We changed website font type to comic sans ... Not!

  " We changed website font type to comic sans — but only because it's 1st April"   was the title of an original article on typography we published on , now rebranded as webpoly , some years ago ( around 2017), whose subtitle was  "Why your website typography is a serious issue and how to make good use of it ".       We were very proud of it, but it happened with the posts about boosting your online shop's Easter sales and about women on commerce , among many others valuable artciles I have written. Internet archive is not keeping the links to them, although they have been refrenced, commented and had lots of views. If you can find a copy of any of these articles published under  or  , please comment bellow. #AprilFoolsDay   #website   #typography

Boost your shop's sales this Easter

Get inspired by these creative Easter email marketing campaigns.     Original post from March, 2018.       By the way, as I've mentioned here ,  I'm looking for many of the valuable articles I wrote for both old sites, olipoly .com and .net for republishing them here, now rebranded as  webpoly , but Internet Archive is not keeping the links to them, although they've been referenced and had a lot of views. Here are the links for the republished article of 2018 [ ] ; if you can find a copy of it or of any other article in those sites, please comment bellow. # ecommerce   #Easter   #emailmarketing

Women on ecommerce

    In March 2016/17, I wrote an article about Female led e-commerce companies rocking online shopping, which I rewrote and republished with updated data in the following year, with another derivative article highlighting her tips for a succesful online shop in 2019.     I'm looking for many of the valuable articles I wrote for both old sites, olipoly .com and .net for republishing them here, now rebranded as webpoly , but Internet Archive is not keeping the links to them, although they've been referenced and had a lot of views. Here are the links for the republished article of 2018 [ ]  and highlighted advice of 2019 [ ]; if you can find a copy of them or of any other article of those sites, please comment bellow.      Here are a few well-known successful companies that are/were owned and/or founded by women: SPANX, The Body Shop, and EasyJet.  If you own an e-commerce store or

How to set, organize, monitor and achieve your goals

     The beginning of a New Year is the time for  setting goals  and  New Year's resolutions . For the majority of people, though, they tend to be forgotten before the end of the first month .  So, how to set your goals and consistently pursue them along the year?      Starting with pen and paper     The first step is to write down all your goals for the year. You can start by dividing  a blank piece of paper  in   four or more sections .     Write down the  areas of your life  you think need some  improvement . For instance; relationship goals, health goals, financial goals, etc, and b egin writing things you would like to do in each of those fields. Prioritizing and organizing your goals     Having in mind that you're only one person to acomplish all those goals, It's better to list them one after another, keeping a  classification tag  with its category before it. It can be a simple () or [] markup.  The tag is useful to monitor the acomplishment of goals by area.     No

How to plan one year of content

      By  planning your content in the beggining of the first month of the new year, you're one step ahead than looking through it each month before.  Realeasing your content earlier will also help you position better on search ranks. So, how to do it?     A simple .doc file document should do, but you can use a spreadsheet file if you have more than one blog to plan its content to better visualize all the work you need to get done.     Sort the months of the year in columns, starting with January, creating horizontal rows for each blog. This display works better for faster visualization.     Grab a  holiday calendar and   look for the ones you can't skip and mark them on your spreadsheet.     Look on your previous posts if there's already writen material you can republish for those dates and paste their  permalink  on your file.     Set a realistic goal number of posts for each of your blogs through the whole year. Check  this post about setting, organizing, evaluating an

Countdown to Christmas/New year theme

Using Retro Flipping Countdown plugin by jQueryScript.Net Background images by karosieben and nck_gsl @ Pixabay Download

The benefits of blogging for your business

I write about my  web development  practice experience, with web design tips to help my audience promote their businesses, attract more customers and  close more sales . After a few years building custom websites with my  webdesign studio   and one year of blogging regularly, I often get invitations to writing jobs, which I politely decline. Because I actually hate writing. The fact that I write about a topic that I know very well and is part of my day-to-day to job makes it a lot easier. But I'd rather, in a decreasing order of preference: do a face-to-face meeting, phone or skype, chat message or email, write a blog post So why do I blog? I used to do a lot of non-billable consulting calls with my clients, which provided tons of valuable information on  design, development  and  online marketing  aspects of running a successful online business. I was soon to jump on phone calls with clients - or even prospects - and I enjoyed doing so, but that was hurting my business because I w