
Showing posts from November, 2023

The benefits of blogging for your business

I write about my  web development  practice experience, with web design tips to help my audience promote their businesses, attract more customers and  close more sales . After a few years building custom websites with my  webdesign studio   and one year of blogging regularly, I often get invitations to writing jobs, which I politely decline. Because I actually hate writing. The fact that I write about a topic that I know very well and is part of my day-to-day to job makes it a lot easier. But I'd rather, in a decreasing order of preference: do a face-to-face meeting, phone or skype, chat message or email, write a blog post So why do I blog? I used to do a lot of non-billable consulting calls with my clients, which provided tons of valuable information on  design, development  and  online marketing  aspects of running a successful online business. I was soon to jump on phone calls with clients - or even prospects - and I enjoyed doing so, but that was hurting my business because I w